大家都知道印刷这个领域很大,印刷方式也分为很多种,有丝印、胶印、转印(热转印和水转印)、写真喷绘、uv打印等。下面就先来讲一下uv打印和丝印比较起来的优点。 一、丝印的优点 1...
Light box advertising is mainly used on both sides of trunk roads and streets, as well as public places such as cinemas (theatres), exhibitions (fairs), downtown stations, airports, docks and parks. The outer frame of the light...
In order to highlight the advantages and characteristics of the store, some businesses will design on the store. These designs are called store design. However, there are many store designs in the market. In order to give full ...
说到灯箱,大多数人的第一印象大概都是街道旁或店铺前发光、色彩艳丽、效果醒目的。但灯箱也有很多不同类型和变化的! 有展示店铺商品或促销信息的拉布灯箱、双面灯箱,其结构组成简...